I Pause In Stillness: Deena Burton

Javanese Dance and Performance 1981 - 2003

a documentary film by Lisa Karrer

I Pause In Stillness documents the performance and choreography of Indonesian Dance Scholar Deena Burton, from the years 1981 – 2003. Narrated by Deena herself, from her unfinished work "The Dancing Cure." This film is a carefully crafted homage to an energetic and insightful artist.

ORDER the complete work "I Pause In Stillness" on DVD, duration 14:20 ($20, plus p&h), from the american gamelan institute.

See an EXCERPT (download MP4 file to watch online), or

For information on the filmmaker, please visit her website at: www.simons-karrer.com

return to Deena Burton page

Also by Lisa Karrer, an audio CD (20 mins) of Deena narrating "The Dancing Cure", her work-in-progress exploring the life of Claire Holt. The CD is available only by mail for $12 (including US domestic postage). Send a check (include mailing address) to: Lisa Karrer, P.O. Box 1334, New York, NY 10013.